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The Story

The Paradox Series is a feature length online film series. A gripping character drama exploring the potential discovery of time-travel in the modern age, and in turn complicated themes and issues surrounding the dangers of technological advancement, corporate espionage, the infringement of human rights and ethical science.

The broad arc of the story follows a highly gifted and obsessive academic, a physicist named Dr. Robert Whells. Who on the verge of a scientific breakthrough, is dramatically forced out of his position on the suspicion of attempted theft of intellectual property and questionable practices.

The fallout of this scandal disgraces Dr. Whells' reputation greatly, effectively he has ostracised himself from the scientific community with all avenues closed off, he is seemingly ruined professionally. Until an old acquaintance resurfaces from his past- a man named Elliot Stevenson. Arriving on behalf of the large investment corporation he works for, Elliot presents Dr. Whells with the chance to complete his ground-breaking work at their own privately funded science division. This leaves Dr. Whells with only one choice- continue his work and thus compromising his principles, or face scientific obscurity for the rest of his life.

Dr. Whells accepts Elliot's proposal, and so sets down a path that will eventually push him and all involved to the brink of destruction and will give birth to a technological discovery that could reshape the world forever.

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